Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

A Place for You on The Love Team

You are welcome here. You are wanted. You are needed.A place for you on the Love team

There is a place for You on the Love Team because You are a vital member of the community of life on this planet.

And even more importantly, if You’re reading this message, You are open to finding a way to express Your Love more fully and expand Your impact in the world.

Become A Member of The Love Team Today!

There are different roles you can play as a member of the Love Team. It’s all up to You.

Every role is important and every role must be filled. The more clear You get about Your place on the Love Team, the better You’ll be able to design and execute Your specific mission at this point on Your journey.

Which role (or roles) fits You right now?

Love Student
You want to know all about Love because Your gut tells you that It’s what You need to improve Your relationships. Your heart is telling You that Love is the key to Your happiness. You know that Love will help You live to Your full potential. You’re willing to study and practice in order to gain a deeper understanding of what Love has to offer. You’re serious about learning how to use Love to create Your best life.

Love Ambassador
You know the power of Love. You use it every day. You are excited to share this incredible gift with everyone You know. Even though You make plenty of mistakes, as we humans all do, You are committed to teaching Love by example. That’s why You are still a dedicated Love Student, always learning better ways to share Your Love with others.

Love Leader
You are an experienced student of Love. You have discovered the unique message of Love that is Yours to share. You are pursuing opportunities to spread Your message to a larger audience. You’re prepared to take on a leadership role and teach others how to use Love to improve their lives.

If the role of Love Leader describes You, please fill out the contact form below so that we can discuss working together as we move forward. I very much look forward to hearing from you!

Wherever You’re at on Your Love journey, we’re happy You’re here! In fact, please officially join the Love Team by adding a comment below. It can be as simple as “I’m in!”

Know anyone else that wants to get on the Love Team? Please share this Post with them ~ Thanks & Love!

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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