Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Happy Mating Season!

It’s no wonder we get all wound up this time of year . . .

Sitting in the yard, I just had two flies procreating on my picnic blanket. My daughter ran over and they flew away mid-coitus!


Much as we may want to put ourselves in a category all our own, we humans are Nature’s creatures. Happy Mating Season!
Extraordinary animals, one and all!

And it’s our animal instinct that drives much of our behaviors and desires.

The more we can recognize what we truly want as sentient beings, the better we can understand how to work with our instincts to get the results we’re really after.

Love in Mating Season

Making babies is certainly a miraculous experience. And the joy of intimacy is perhaps one of the grandest parts of life.

And thankfully, we have the fantastic feature of free will. We have the ability to determine our future based on conscious reasoning.

So we can decide that we may not actually make babies this mating season . . .

We’ll just practice! 😉

When and if the time is right in your spiritual evolution, procreation will be a conscientious choice.

And if the gift of parenthood is already yours, you can continue to connect with your full potential in this role.

Let’s take this beautiful time of year to focus on personal growth. As the buds pop open on the trees, and bright green baby leaves liven us up, we can stretch our bodies and our minds after the inward focus of winter.

And we can unite in spiritual partnership with a mate that makes our heart sing!

If what you want is true Love, then first and foremost, be true to yourself.

Trust in your instinct. Confirm with your self-awareness.

The person that helps you feel inspired to be your very best self will hold you in the highest light. And you will do the same for him/her.

Happy All Year

Being a New England girl at heart, I really look forward to the changing seasons. Just when I may be tiring of one, another greets me with a whole new fresh start!

With that said, each and every day is a new start. And there are literally thousands of opportunities each day to choose happiness.

Your thoughts are the causes of the results you get in your life. So if you’re looking for Love, health, wealth and happiness, commit to nurturing thoughts that support those outcomes.

Negative thoughts are like weeds in your garden. Pick them early and often to keep the plants you want growing unhindered.

Plant lots and lots of positive seeds by thinking about what you want come harvest time.

And before you know it, you’ll be enjoying the euphoric feeling of mating season all year long!


About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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