Mary Anne Horsman
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Peace Through Mindfulness

Just finished an amazing 5 Day Facebook Retreat for Mindful Moms! I loved it so much that I’m going to keep the group going!
If you’re a Mindful Mom, you canĀ join here.

The framework for the week was P.E.A.C.E. because I feel that one of the biggest benefits of practicing mindfulness is gaining peace of mind.
And even though it is a challenging practice (especially as parents), I think it’s well worth the continued effort.

So here’s a little bit more about each topic we covered.

Pay Attention

Mindfulness is all about awareness. So paying attention helps you decide what to focus on.

If you tune in to your thoughts, feelings, words and actions, you can better understand yourself and the results you’re getting in life.
For example, if you’re being unkind in your self-talk, you’ll actually attract more unkindness into your life.

And if you find yourself paying attention to distractions or things that disempower you, commit to paying more attention to what really matters to you most. Love yourself and your family. Then you can reach out to create a more Loving world on a bigger scale!


Being mindful means taking care of yourself. And the healthier your body is, the better your mind is able to work!

Even if it’s only a few minutes a day, do your very best to get in some heart pounding, heavy breathing activity that makes you feel good. This simple discipline has a major pay off.

Exercise is a vital part of self-care and has some really fantastic benefits.


The very same situation feels completely different with a change of attitude, doesn’t it?

If you can manage to keep a positive attitude, nothing can bring you down!

Even if you’re overwhelmed by worldly circumstances, your attitude is something you can control. So you always have the power to remain in charge of your life.
Be mindful of your attitude.


Peace through mindfulnessWhen we find ourselves being harsh or unforgiving of ourselves or others, we must call for greater compassion. Being mindful means being in this moment, with calm and Love. It is in holding on to the past or feeling anxious about the future that much of our unnecessary suffering arises.

With compassion, we can let go of what is gone. We can relax about what is to come. And we can embrace the now with gentle kindness, knowing that this is our best decision for peace and happiness.


Mindful eating means nourishing our bodies with food that makes us feel our best. It means paying attention and enjoying every bite. It means continuing to explore new options and commit to lifelong learning about nutrition.

What we eat affects our energy and our performance. It’s important to focus on eating well in order to be our best selves.

So there it is! P.E.A.C.E. through mindfulness.

Please share these five elements of one of the most sought after states of being!

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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