Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Plug In to Love

Last weekend I volunteered at a local event as part of the Viridian Sustainability Initiative.

It was a wonderful experience!

Not only did I get some fresh air and exercise doing a good thing, I met some awesome new friends!

And it’s no surprise. We all came together with a common goal and had fun sharing in the accomplishment.

Find Your Family

If you want more Love in your life, make the effort to connect with other like-minded people.

Call them your family, your tribe, your crew, or your peeps. However you want to say it, you’ll know when you find a crowd that makes you feel at home.

In fact, getting that vitally important feeling of belonging helps you move up Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Once you’ve got your support system in place, you’re then able to reach for higher aims.

Once you know that you’re Loved, just the way you are, you can really step up and play a bigger game.

In our tech-driven times, you might think that you’ve connected by “meeting” people online. And it’s certainly a step in the right direction.

But going to that event and working side by side with my chosen family reminded me just how necessary real human interaction is!

So go ahead and do a little research online. Search for events related to what you’re passionate about. Amazingly, it can be almost anything. Chances are there are people getting together to enjoy the fellowship of a shared Love.

Be it local (Or distant, if you’re game!) events are happening all the time.

Plug In to Love

Maybe you can’t get to a live event in the next few weeks. If not, at least start to plug in by joining an online group or two that resonates with who you are . . . or who you want to be.

Getting around people that are living lives they Love is one of the fastest ways to get yourself Loving your life too!

And surrounding yourself with people that share your values and beliefs opens up a whole new world of opportunity.

Gathering with your chosen family affirms you and empowers you to keep moving towards your dreams.

This is the time of year when you may feel obligated to spend time with your relatives, who may or may not support your vision of the future. Make sure you practice good self-care by plugging in to a Loving community of your choice.

plug in to Love

Are you passionate about a healthy planet? Join our Green American Family!

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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