6 Weeks to Change the Rest of Your Life...

Are You Ready?

A Revolutionary Approach to Health and Wellness . . .

Do you struggle with getting fit?

Have you gotten fit and found it hard to stay there?

What if there were a simple way that you could get
the lifestyle and body that you loved . . . no matter what?

What if you could tap into your super-powers of Self-Love and live the life of your dreams?

Now you can.

The Love Diet Transformation System is a revolutionary approach
to health and wellness . . . for the body, mind and spirit.

It’s a way to learn how to design a lifestyle that’s based on Loving choices of consumption and creation . . .

The Law of Cause and Effect

There’s an often overlooked law called The Law of Cause and Effect . . .

it clearly states our experiences in life are effects . . .

. . . and for every effect there is a cause.

If we want to have different experiences or effects, we need to change our causes.

And in life there’s two types of causes . . .

. . . what we Consume and what we Create.

What we Consume can be broken down into:

Food and Drink
Other People’s Influence
Stuff We Buy and Use

What we Create can also be broken down into:

Posture and Movement

Together, what we consume and what we create can be thought of as our diet.

A New Approach to Dieting

If we know what our desired results in life are - our Effects - and we’re serious
about getting those results, we simply need to change our causes . . . the things that we consume and create . . .

. . . in other words, we need to change our diet.

If we want to have Love, Health and Happiness in our life . . .

We’ll need to consume and create Healthy, Happy Loving ingredients in all aspects of our diet . . .

. . . not just the food we eat.

What Goes In . . . Must Come Out

Have you ever heard of the computer acronym G.I.G.O.?

It stands for “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.

It means that what ever information you put in a computer program you’re going to get the results of that program out of the computer . . .

A computer “will unquestioningly process unintended, even nonsensical, input data (‘garbage in’) and produce undesired, often nonsensical, output (‘garbage out’)”

If the information is good . . . you’ll get what you want.

If it isn’t . . . you won’t.

And the same idea applies to humans.

And when it comes to our Mind, Body and Spirit there’s a similar acronym . . . L.I.L.O.

Love In, Love Out.

When we program ourselves with loving causes, the effects that we get are going to be loving . . .

We’re going to get the Love we desire . . .

The Health we crave . . .

The Happiness we long for . . .

But if what we’re feeding our minds, bodies and spirits isn’t loving . . . we shouldn’t be surprised when our effects aren’t loving either.

The Love Diet Filter

To most effectively create the loving effects that we’re after, we need to apply the Love Diet Filter.

Before we eat something, we need to ask “Does this nourish me? Do I love this Food?”

Before choosing the media input that we watch, read or listen to, we need to ask “Does this uplift and Inspire me?”

Before choosing to spend our time with someone, we ask ourselves, “Does this person make me feel good? Are they helping me to reach my highest level?”

When we think a thought that creates emotion, we’ll ask “Is this kind and loving? Does this serve me?”

Because the Love Diet is all about Consuming and Creating consciously . . .

. . . intentionally

. . . powerfully.

Boost Your Awareness

To successfully adopt the Love Diet Filter and the lifestyle that goes along with it, we need to first boost our awareness.

We need to focus on what is happening, not only around us, but within us as well.

We need to learn to be more present in this moment . . .

. . . to be awake and notice not only what we’re consuming and creating, but what the ultimate effect of it is.

We have to observe the feelings we have when we consume food or media, when we spend time with someone . . .

. . . and we then have to decide if those feelings . . . those effects . . .

. . . are what we truly want for ourselves.

And if not we need to change the causes.

We need to proceed through life with greater understanding . . . not just for others, but for ourselves as well.

We must understand that each and every one of us is simply doing the best that we can with the information and tools that we have.

We also must make more loving choices in our lives . . .

We need to know that everything that we do directly affects not only us, but all those around us.

Upgrade Your Habits

And we need to upgrade our habits.

Humans are creatures of habit.

We’ve evolved that way over thousands of years . . .

initially as a way tokeep ourselves safe . . .

. . . but since we no longer run the risk of being eaten by a sabre-tooth tiger, we can fall prey instead to our habits.

They have become our master and we have become their slave.

And if it’s going to be that way . . . which it is . . .

we must each make the decision to adopt good habits.

Habits that help us . . .

That make you become the person you’re destined to be . . .

Not habits that don’t serve us and our greater good.

Change Can Be Hard

Understand that some changes are going to be harder than others.

When we’ve grown accustomed to eating certain foods . . . it will be hard to change our eating habits.

If we find that we think in a particular way, changing those thoughts may require some extra effort.

If we associate with friends and family who routinely dis-empower us and belittle us and our dreams . . .

. . . it may be difficult to stop those associations.

Whatever the cause, whatever the habit, the longer it’s been a part of us . . . the longer we’ve been doing it, the harder it will be to change.

Having an encouraging and supportive framework and group in place can make it easier though . . .

And you know you’re obviously really serious about creating your dream life . . .

. . . about getting the lifestyle and body that you Love . . .

. . . about becoming the very best version of your self . . .

And I just want to take some time to acknowledge you for that.

Most people never take the time to educate themselves the way you have.

You’re here online, you’re reading this and you really have the commitment and determination to do this now.

That’s Why You’re perfect for the Love Diet Transformation System.

It’s specifically for people like you who want to create the lifestyle and body they Love . . . because you’ll be able to naturally and easily release unwanted weight and negativity that has been keeping you down.

This is the Secret Weapon that will help you remember why you want to make this change and allow you to stay focused on your desired results.

Now, before you get this, let me tell you exactly what it is and what it does . . . so you know it’s right for you.

In this powerful six module course, you’ll experience personal transformation that will change your life.

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Now Only $97!

Module 1: Increasing Your Awareness.

In this module, you’ll learn the hidden secrets to becoming more aware of not only your input, but also of the effects being created by that input. You’ll grasp the importance of being here now and discover how to allow thoughts that don’t empower and serve you to simply flow through you . . . instead of holding on to them.

Module 2: Your New Identity.

In this module, you’ll learn the secret of how to effectively change your habits . . . Because if you really want to change what you’re doing . . . you need to start with what’s at the core. By changing one simple belief, you can change the entire course of your life.

Module 3: Game Plan.

In this Module you will go through the process of choosing who you really want to be . . . and what you want to have and will give you the laser-like focus to achieve it.

Module 4: Your Love Menu.

This module covers the importance of what you’re putting into your mind, body and spirit . . . and gives you an alternate source of input, while providing you the assistance you need to consistently make the choices that serve you and your higher self.

Module 5: Loving Communication.

In this module you’ll find out that communication is the key to getting the results that you truly desire . . . and while it’s important to communicate lovingly with others, it’s imperative that we communicate with ourselves in a loving and supportive manner.

Module 6: Set the Stage For Success.

In this final module, you’ll put this all together and learn to create the exact life that you want . . . from your relationships to your happiness. You’ll not only have the tools that you need to build the ultimate life of your dreams . . . you’ll also have the blueprint to follow to do just that. 

Limited Time Offer! Usually $497
Now Only $97!

What people are saying about The Love Diet . . . 

This is very interesting, productive and helpful because there are many things that I didn’t realize before such as first love myself, do the best that I can and think first before taking decisions…I think if I do everything with love I will help myself and my family and also be happy in my life.

Jessy - Love Diet Alumnae

I couldn’t believe how much I identified with The Love Diet. With self esteem issues, and dozens of insecurities I was able to listen and hear new ways of incorporating love into my life. I really feel The Love Diet is something that can help a lot of people who have a hard time focusing on the positives in life.

Joshua D. - Love Diet Alumni

I can honestly say the Love Diet changed my life and continues to change my life. By sticking to the Love Diet I'm continuing to improve everyday. I couldn't be happier with my results from the Love Diet!

R.F. - Love Diet Alumni

Limited Time Offer! Usually $497
Now Only $97!
