The Love Show

On The Love Show, The Love Post comes to life on the cyber screen!
Episode 5: Love is Simple

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Episode 4: Love is Habit

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Episode 3: Love is Free

The Love Show episode 3 Love is Free







On today’s episode we’re going to discuss the very exciting news that Love is free.
Love is actually free in two ways. The first way that Love is free is that it costs absolutely nothing. You don’t need to have a penny to your name and you can have no other worldly goods and you can still be incredibly rich in Love. From here you can go anywhere.

If you’ve got financial worries, focus on the fact that Love is abundant and it’s free.
Once you find Love, you can find the value you have to offer. Love is the most sought after commodity on the planet. So when you tap into Love and find the passion that you can share with the marketplace, you become your most profitable and productive self.

Also, when you are centered in Love, you can take note of the other assets available to you. For instance, the Loving Universe has provided you with time, the great equalizer. And you have your mind, to use exactly as you see fit.

The great teacher Napoleon Hill taught me a prayer about this topic. I’d like to share it with you now. It goes like this:

Oh, Divine Providence,
I ask not for more riches, but for more wisdom
with which to make wiser use of the riches you gave me at birth,
consisting of the power to control and direct my own mind
to whatever end I desire.

The second way that Love is free is that it has infinite options. It is without limit. Love is a pure creative force and it is able to take thought, combined with the positive emotion of desire and bring that energy into the physical realm.

Your job is to pay attention to what you like. When are you happiest during the day? What are your preferences?

Once you start noticing those things, ask Love to bring more of that into your life.
Love is constantly offering you ways to improve the quality of your life. You simply need to think about what you can do a little differently today to make tomorrow a little better.

Remember, Love is free in two ways. First, it costs absolutely nothing. And second, it offers you infinite possibilities.

Episode 2: Love is All You Need

The Love Show Love is All You Need







In this episode of The Love Show, Mary Anne explains how Love can provide for all our physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We take a look at Maslow’s Hierarchy and review how Love addresses each of the levels of human fulfillment. The Planet provides for physical needs of air, water, and food. Your family and friends take care of your need for shelter, safety and belonging. Then, with Love, you discover your calling and pursue meaningful work. This lets you reach the highest levels of self-actualization. If you aren’t feeling the Love in and around you, take a deep breath and relax. Reconnect to the Infinite Love that created you and takes care of your every need. Remember, Love is All You Need.

Episode 1: Love Starts with You

The Love Show Love Starts with You







In this episode of The Love Show, Mary Anne discusses how important it is to look for Love, first and foremost, within yourself. It is vital that we take care of ourselves with Loving kindness in order to demonstrate true Love to others.

What does self-Love look like? Imagine . . . You at the gym. You in a bubble bath.
You curled up with a good book. You writing in your journal.
You teach Love by example.

You want to treat yourself with thoughtful affection so that you can offer the same kindness and support to those you Love. How you treat yourself will affect how you treat those around you. Encourage yourself and your Love ones to make positive decisions. Listen with compassion and understanding. Offer honest feedback and use Loving words and actions to create a more Loving world.

Love Starts With You . . .


