Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Happy Holidays from The Love Post

What is it that’s so magical about the Christmas season?

If you live in New England (or any other cold climate), you’d think it would be the dreariest time of year. Instead, we brave the cold and share more smiles than usual.

It seems that the true Spirit of Christmas gives us a reason to Love more openly.

We make the effort to thoughtfully select gifts for our friends and family. We travel miles and miles to visit with one another.

Except for the moments when the stress of a long “To Do” list makes us a bit cranky-pants, we are focused on creating a cheerful environment and providing a wonderful experience for ourselves and our Loved ones.

A Holiday Blessing

I hope that this season of Love and light fills you with warmth. May it strengthen your faith in the kindness and generosity of your fellow human beings.

May you find an unwavering belief in Love to take with you into the New Year.

Here at The Love Post, we say “Happy Holidays” because it’s not just Christmas that celebrates Love and the joy that it brings. Love is at the heart of giving and caring for one another, no matter what religion you practice.

Bring the Spirit of Love with You into 2015

Going back to our original question, what exactly makes this time of year so wonderful?

Is it the music? The lights? The friendly “Hello” from friends and strangers alike?

Pay attention to what makes you feel like a kid again ~ Full of wonder and delight . . . Remember this special feeling and take it with you into the coming days.

Design a secret reminder to use if you feel yourself getting tense or overwhelmed.

For example, you could say, “Ho, ho, ho . . . St. Nick is watching!” That will surely lighten your mood!

Or, if you’re able, recognize what makes you happiest at the holidays and add it to your daily experience even when the decorations are put back in their boxes.

I know that the music of the season is blissful for me . . . and will make sure that I’m listening to happy tunes throughout the year ahead.

Maybe you can find fun ways to decorate your space on any given day to bring some cheer to the scene.

However you do it, bring the Spirit of the holidays into your future. Remember, there’s no need to save Love and joy for next season!

Be mindful of each moment. Love is here and now, eternally.

May you have the happiest of holidays ~ Sending Love your way from The Love Post!

Happy Holidays from The Love Post




About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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