Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Love Loudly

​    As a girl, I once dreamed of being a Supreme Court Justice. And now, I feel I am determined to fill this calling in a different way. I have studied hard to become a Natural Law-er. And I know that we are more powerful than we think, if we use our Minds to their full potential.

     This is a time (And truthfully, it always is) to stay focused on what we can control. Our thoughts, our words, our actions. We must step up into our roles as energetic leaders. We must put our attention on staying aligned with Love and the vibrations of Peace and Joy.

     I know this is a big request. And yet it is well worth taking on the challenge. Because it is our best and only hope of creating what we desire.

​     And if you're crying, that's okay. Or if you're angry, that's alright too. I had to release some emotion earlier today. It's okay. We have to feel what we're feeling. We need to be aware and process our emotions so we can turn them into something positive.

​     We must be steadfast in our self care. We must dedicate ourselves to Loving conversations. There is so much that it hard to understand. And yet we must remain​ grounded in compassion and courage.

     Let us Love more loudly than we ever have before. Let's make it clear that we stand united in defense of human rights. Let's declare our dependence on Mother Earth, and fight hard for her well being. Her destiny determines our own.

     We are the Creators of our Lives.

     Stand strong in your Power. Recognize your Sovereignty. You are a vital part of the Unfolding of Time. Claim your autonomy. Believe in your own ability to envision, design and make real your future. 

     Know that you are supported and Loved. Know that you are part of a massive global community of people who recognize the value of each human being and all of Life. Know that together, we are transcending current circumstances and elevating our experience by Becoming Masters of Natural Law.

     What we think about comes about. And what we say is what we get. So let's focus single-mindedly on the Truth of Love. Let's seize every opportunity to connect.

Metaphysically, I'm holding you in a warm embrace. All my Love.

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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