Mary Anne Horsman
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Inspired Action to the Rescue!

What if you catch yourself thinking something that you know isn’t helping you out?

What if you realize that you’re actually in a nasty pattern of self-sabotage?

Your self-talk is negative and hurtful. (You wouldn’t say these things to anyone else . . . why are you talking to yourself this way?)

And your behavior, of course, is just an outer reflection of your less-than-stellar thoughts. Because we’re creatures of habits, the daily performance of these same routines are simply keeping you stuck in a rut.

Break Out to Break Free

There is nothing more important than treating yourself with Loving kindness. Until you are able to break out of your negative cycle of thoughts and behaviors, you will continue to get the same results you’ve been getting.

And this is certainly quite a feat . . . But totally worth it, because it changes everything.

So how do you do it?

First, it’s super important to recognize that all the yucky stuff running through your mind/body isn’t really you.

In fact, even if it feels like your heart is breaking into bits and shattering into a million tiny pieces, the key to salvation is removing your Self from this experience. Become aware of the fact that You are actually an observer.

Because your True Being is Pure Energy. You are Love. 

However, your Love is currently entwined with a mind and a body which each add a whole lot of interesting elements to the scenario.

Once you see this distinction, though, you are immediately free to choose to simple Be the Love You’re Made Of.

And then you’re free.

You can step back from the painful drama that has entered your life. You can decide to embrace peace and calm and joy once more.
Or even if you’re unable to shift your thinking and emotions at this moment, you can at least breathe through this rough stretch, knowing it will pass.

After all, it is only Love that is Eternal.

Inspired Action to the Rescue!

And it is in this moment of clarity that you have the greatest opportunity to change your trajectory.Inspired action to the rescue

When you see clearly who you really are (Embodied Love), you have the chance to move in a whole new direction.

You can tap into the Divine Source that Created All Things (Including You!).

You can Seek Guidance from your Internal Navigation System that is directly connected to the Cosmic Positioning Catalogue.

Instead of feeling trapped by your limiting beliefs (Those same things that are encouraging you to sabotage your own happiness.), you are free to pursue any course of action that makes you feel better right now.

Once you get re-centered in your True Identity, you make better decisions about everything.

You focus on what you want (instead of what’s making you miserable). And then you begin to take note of ways that will let you move towards your desired reality.

Here’s what Google comes up with when you search “Inspiration”:

1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

2. the drawing in of breath; inhalation.

So it makes sense that simply breathing can fill you with new energy and insight or Divine Guidance.

Step outside . . .
Keep walking . . .
Open a book . . .
Write in a journal . . .

Pick up the phone. Or a paintbrush.

This is the time to let inspired action come to the rescue. Because doing something different is such a powerful way to overcome even the most persistent negative thoughts.

And then keep going. Pay attention to what works. What makes you feel aligned with Your Inner Love? What lets you connect with Source?

It’s time to let go of suffering and embrace your full potential. You were born to Shine!

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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