Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Look for the Light

I heard talk today that acted as though the world was done for.

I just don’t believe it one bit.

Acts of Love








Of course, it’s the negative event that gains much attention in the mainstream media. This focus threatens to expand this harmful energy. It only encourages fear and confusion.

Still, it is with great joy that I report a turning towards positivity. A shift in humanity’s perception.

Even when there is sad news, there is quickly a Loving response that comes to the surface.

And from what I can tell, there is a steadily increasing focus on health and wellness. We are seeking solutions and pursuing progress to improve the quality of life for all inhabitants of Earth.

Now this is encouraging news!

Finding Up

Many of us now understand that it is only a few who cause such pain and the majority who are willing to help and care for one another.

In our response to devastation, there is an immediate search for Love and support and ways to make things right again.

Because the shadow does not possess us. We are creatures of the Light.

When something horrible happens, there is a great outpouring of compassion from the Loving people of the world.

And our focus is on peace and kindness.

We know what we want. We’re going to get it.

Our power will not be given away. Our strength will not be diminished.

We will look for the Light. And because we’re looking, it will get brighter and brighter.

With confidence and conviction, we will fill up every space with Love and Light. There will be no room left for hate.

Look for the Light

Look for Light








It’s not that we deny the tragedy, but that we empower the act of recovery. We encourage the art of resilience.

And we acknowledge that standing in our Eternal Love is more powerful than any human deed.

We Love tirelessly and without regret. We Love openly and without condition.

We Love whole-heartedly and without reserve.

We Love mightily, without claiming superiority.

We look for the Light and we find it.

We are the Light and we live it.

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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