Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Love is the Best Make Up

Our society emphasizes the need to be sexy and physically attractive. We’re bombarded with messages that tell us we need to wear the latest fashions and use all kinds of cosmetics, lotions and potions to make ourselves more appealing.

Now don’t get me wrong. I really appreciate what mascara does for me and I’m quite fond of my Burt’s Bees® lip shimmer. 🙂

But what seems to go mostly unsaid is that all these efforts are really aimed at the goal of Love and Happiness.

Today’s edition of The Love Post is a friendly reminder that true beauty lies within.

Knowing that you are lovable no matter what you look like is a lesson that doesn’t make it to the cover of the magazines. But it’s true nonetheless. In fact, it’s one of the lessons I’m going to be teaching you at Love School.

If you seek to be Loved, then make sure you are Loving yourself.

Nurture your spirit with positive thinking.

Start inside by thinking kind and Loving thoughts. Be compassionate; remember you are doing the best you can. Encourage yourself; your best will just keep getting better!

Spend time each day focused on your breathing. This will help you connect to the Infinite and Unconditional Love that made you. The more you do this, the easier it will become to quiet your mind.

In silence, you will find your center, your balance and your true worth. This pure Love energy will radiate from you as you move through your day.

With this peace of mind, you gain clarity about how to Love yourself. You can become more present in every moment. You begin to make healthier decisions.

This time of year is perfect to get out in nature and enjoy the beauty of Autumn.

Do you ever notice that getting out in the fresh air and getting your heart beating gives you gorgeous rosy cheeks? It makes your eyes brighter too.

Love is the best make up!

With Love, you take good care of your body, the temple of your soul. Eat nutritious food. Exercise regularly. Get enough rest. This gives you the natural glow of health and wellness.

 A smile is magnetic.

Think about how much more attractive someone is if they make eye contact and smile at you. It makes you feel wonderful and you usually can’t help but smile back.

So when you look in the mirror today, smile at yourself like you would smile at another beautiful human being.

Remember that your Love is the best make up. For best results, wear it all the time!

Love is the Best Make UpThanks for reading and sharing The Love Post with all your friends!

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About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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