Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Love School Starts Today

So just what is Love School you ask?

Well, just like any school, it’s a place to learn.  An opportunity to gain knowledge and skills and then modify your behavior based on what you learn.

And what subject is more important than Love?

For me, there is none. Because without Love life becomes joyless, fearful and pointless.

With Love life has meaning. Love helps you find your purpose and gives you a reason to get out of bed, take care of yourself and do cool things for those around you.

Love lifts us up with courage and faith. It gives us the vision to see greatness in ourselves and others. Love provides us with the drive to master our minds and control our thoughts and emotions. And with self-mastery, anything is possible.

Love sets us free.

Get Yourself to Love School

Now the official Love School program I will be offering is coming soon. But the fact that you are reading this edition of The Love Post means that you are already a student of Love.

You are curious about this powerful resource. You want more of it so you can use it to create a happy, healthy and wealthy life.

So I want to congratulate you. And I want to encourage you to keep moving forward in your learning.

You’re a member of the Love School community. We support you in your efforts increase your awareness and connect with Love, the infinite source of creativity.

Today, take action to affirm the importance of Love in your life. Here are a few suggestions of how to show Love some Love!

Meditate. This just means take a few minutes to quiet your mind. You can chose a mantra like, “Sacred Love flow through me now” (Thanks, Dr. Dyer!) or ask a question and listen for Loves answer. However you do it, a few minutes of calm relaxation works like a charm to feel the presence of something greater than yourself.

Exercise. In addition to sitting still, get moving! Increase your flow of oxygen and get your heart beating faster. This exhilaration brings awareness to your personal power and your ability to increase your energy through output. Note: Don’t overdo it!

Express Love. This can come in many forms. Find a way to show kindness, gratitude or affection. Treat yourself to a bath. Write a journal entry or a note to a friend. Call someone you miss and tell them you Love them. Create a piece of art. Share this Love Post. However it comes out, let your Love shine today . . . and every day!

Love School starts todayYour New Life Starts Today

You have the ability to make your life whatever you want it to be. You can be who you want to be. Do what you want to do. Have what you want to have.

Stay focused on what matters most. Make decisions that support your values.

Reach out to others who share your priorities.

Keep learning. Keep growing. Design your future and begin building it today.

Thanks for being part of the Love Revolution!  I’ll see you at Love School.



About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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