Mary Anne Horsman
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Love 2015: 3 Steps to Your Best Year Yet

This time of year is super-charged with awareness and energy. We’re collectively looking back and reflecting on the days gone by. We’re also looking forward for what is to come.

This is the perfect opportunity to start on a whole new path. Or, if you feel great about the direction you’re already heading in, you get to continue happily on the path you’re on with even greater enthusiasm.

3 Steps to Your Best Year Yet

Making a whole lot of change at once can be a bit much to handle. But if you’re looking to live 2015 as your highest self, you’ll want to stick to the fundamentals of manifesting.

1. Know what you want.

Desire is at the heart of all progress. It defies boundaries and limitations. When you know what you really want, you becoming willing to do whatever it takes to make it a reality.

Take as much time as you need right now to go deep within and discover your most burning desires. What do you want this year to bring into your life?

Focus intensely on determining the most important results you are looking to experience.

Consider your health, your relationships, your work, your living situation. Examine any and every aspect of your life that will affect how much you are going to Love 2015 (and years to come).

As always, take it from your mind and put it in writing. This is a powerful tool for transforming thought into material substance.

2. Imagine it so.

Now take that passionate desire and create a clear picture of success in your mind. Again, write this all down.

Picture yourself in a favorite (new?) outfit, enjoying a favorite activity with some of your favorite people.

Imagine living the perfect day.

Make this vision whatever you want it to be.

When you feel doubt creeping in about how “realistic” any of it might be, catch yourself. Recognize that these are limiting beliefs at work, doing their best to keep you stuck playing a little game.

Choose to let go of these imaginary roadblocks. Clear your mind and return to the realm of infinite possibility ~ Return to Love.

Spend time on this every single day. Even if it’s only for a few moments, go to this place of perfection. Feel the wonderful feelings of being here in this life that you Love so much.

 3. Act the Part.

Once your really know what you want and you can see it clearly in your mind, it’s time to make it so.

Create an action plan that aligns with your end goal. Take steps every day to become your happiest self.

These first days out of the gate are ideal for planning and getting organized.

Be on the look out for access to my first book of the New Year, Set the Stage for Success, coming very soon! This will be a fantastic guide to help you prepare for your best year yet.

Now is the time to step up to your bigger game. Take it up a notch with a smile and a spring in your step, knowing that you are a force of Love in the world.

You are endowed with a magnificent ability to turn mind into matter.

Your work is simply to dream of your best year yet, see it clearly in your mind and keep moving in the direction of that dream.

Love every step.

Love 2015: Your Best Year YetThanks for reading The Love Post. Live it. Share it.



About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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