Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Love Is #StrongerThan [Fill in the blank].

Honestly, I don’t read or watch the news. At least not from typical media sources.

I get my news from Twitter, from Facebook, and from my mentors and teachers online who inspire and educate me on a daily basis.

This lets me focus on creating the world I want my daughters to grow up in. It helps me keep a positive outlook, knowing that, despite the media’s spotlight on negativity, there is a whole lot of good happening right now.

Recently, Marie Forleo ( drew my attention to Malala Day and the #StrongerThan campaign. I was deeply moved by the story of Malala Yousafzai. A story of courage and extraordinary determination. A story of Love.

This young woman Loves life and education so much, that she risked her life to pursue her desires. Her story demonstrates what I believe to be true.

Malala Yousafzai

Love is #StrongerThan Anything Else.

Fear. Anger. Apathy.

Malala’s Love is stronger than bullets.

Where there is Love, there is victory over every enemy.

In the end, Love will always prevail.

Where I am weak, Love is strong. When I am afraid, Love is courageous. When I am blind, Love can see.

This year’s Malala Day is a celebration of the strength of Love. It is an opportunity for all of us to glimpse the immense power we have when we come together to create a world of Love.

It is Love that will see you through your hardest days. It is Love that will see you basking in the glory of your full splendor.

Join Malala in living a life of Love. A life #StrongerThan the human follies that would undermine our bliss.

How has Love helped you rise above? What is your Love #StrongerThan?

Thanks for reading, sharing and raising your voice for Love!





Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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