Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

Love Your Life. It Will Love You Back.

They say, “Gratitude is the attitude.” And they’re right.

If you focus on what you are thankful for, that Loving energy will get you more of that good stuff.

Here’s a neat example of how powerful this really is.

Picture a person who hasn’t exercised much lately. (It could be me, it could not be me. I’m not going to say either way. Hehe.) Anyway, said person knows that her body needs some extra Love and attention to get to its optimal condition.

Now, this could be a slippery slope towards a more sedentary lifestyle. The days could continue to go by without any heart pounding, heavy breathing activities. It would get harder and harder to do even small physical feats like climbing the stairs carrying groceries or chasing the Little Ones around.

Thankfully, this isn’t how the story goes. Our hero thinks to herself, “Wow. I’m really glad that I have enough energy to get moving more again. Even if it is a challenge to find the time to workout, I will commit to being a good example and take care of myself. It doesn’t matter if I have to start out slow, I’ll do what I can. The more I do, the more I’ll be able to do!”

Throwing on shorts and a tank top, she puts the Baby in the baby containment unit (Lots of gratitude for that item!). She pops in her Jane Fonda Stress Reduction workout video and has a great time dancing around the living room.

It gives her a feeling of strength and vitality and reminds her how good it feels to exercise!

This is a simple illustration of how choosing to focus on the positive allows opportunity for growth and joy right here, right now.

Sometimes the only thing that needs to change is how we are looking at a situation.

Similarly, if you’re struggling with a relationship, decide to focus on what it is you Love about the other person. Express you gratitude whenever possible.

Instead of looking for problems, keep an eye out for positivity. Seek and you will find.

If you’re looking for a life you Love, Love the one you’ve got. It’s a perfect way to make it even more lovable!

Love your LifeThanks for reading. Let your friends know about The Love Post and tell them how you Love your life today.

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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  • BG Jenkins says:

    Hi Mary Anne, I find that this post fits the bill. A great reminder to all of us to be grateful for what we have and love will find us in an overflowing abundance.

  • […] Love Your Life. It Will Love You Back. Do what you can. With an attitude of gratitude, grow the good stuff in your […]

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