Mary Anne Horsman
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3 Steps to Realizing God Day By Day

As I finish Dr. Wayne Dyer's brilliant book, Wishes Fulfilled,  I am not only inspired, but taking action to live the lifestyle he describes. It is a way of living that acknowledges the truly miraculous creative beings that we are. 

When you open your heart and mind to your limitless identity, amazing things start to happen.

And it ties into the paradigm that is known to lead to the best results. This simple 3 step process brings transformation to those willing to embrace it.

1. BE

First and foremost, I am what I say I am. This means that our most powerful ability to change lies in what we allow to follow these two words. I am LOVE. I am HEALTHY. I am HAPPY. I am [Fill in the blank with who or what you WANT to be].

Even if you have doubts, go ahead and proclaim that you are your highest and best self. This, my friend, gives you full command to create your most fully expressed and impactful life. When you recognize your freedom to choose who you are, you empower yourself to become self-made . . . a beautiful thing indeed!

2. DO

Now, quite immediately, you feel the positive influence of the first step in this life changing process. Why?

Because now that you have defined who you are, you will naturally take action that aligns with this new and improved version of yourself!

On a personal level, I experienced this just today. Knowing that I am moving, because that is what I want, I started packing. It felt terrific and came with the huge bonus of making my bedroom/office/library/music studio feel much more organized and less cluttered. (It helped that my husband worked on this project too!) 

And to be honest, I don't know yet where, how or when I am moving. But because I have full faith (Thank you Wayne!) that  I am a God-realized being, my wish is fulfilled. It is my job to believe and to feel that my desires are satiated. In doing so, I am creating the conditions for the Universe to cooperate with my efforts and bring about the circumstances that match my energetic vibration.

Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

Albert Einstein

Essentially, acting as if you already have what you want, you Set the Stage for Success. Get prepared now, so you are ready when your golden opportunity appears, which may happen at any moment!

And then, with greater ease and speed than you'd ever thought possible, you'll . . .


What you want will come to you only when it is yours already. That is because Nature seeks balance. As within, so without. Who you are forms the basis for what you experience.

Truly, your thoughts become things. And again, referring to my own story, simply planting the seed that "I am moving", resulted quite rapidly in me making improvements in my surroundings. I am attracting what I desire by BEING and DOING so that I can HAVE what I truly want . . . A gorgeous home is mine!

So now it's time to ask yourself, "Who do I want to BE?" 

Let us know in the comments below!

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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