Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

The Invisible Work Load


I hope this Love Post finds you ​as well as, if not better than, can be expected considering the current state of affairs!

​I've recently begun a new job role, yet again, as I weave my way towards my ultimate destiny. And I am full of gratitude for the learning and growth opportunities that this position offers. I've become aware that, truly, every ​day and anything we're doing allows us to ​study, observe and apply Natural Law and become more powerful Practitioners of Creation if that is our focus

​With this as my primary motive, it has come to my attention that there is more than enough work to do. And because my co-workers and I potentially feel overwhelmed by the quantity and quality of never-ending tasks at hand, there is an additional, although unnecessary burden that we bear as well.

The Invisible Work Load

There are calls to make and cases to research and the activity trackers that we must use to prove that we are meeting our required corporate metrics and standards. I believe this has become common among the American corporate culture.

​On top of all this though, is the mental and emotional body of work that we can inadvertently take on if we are not careful to guard against it. It is ​the stress, tension, anxiety, overwhelm . . . The intellectual, emotional and energetic drain that happens in response to the potentially unrealistic expectations of the system.

Can you relate?

​Once we know that we are piling more labor onto our desk in the form of this invisible work load, we can choose to put this burden down. (And this goes for all situations, not just on the job.)  We can "Zen out" at will.

And this doesn't mean we space out and get lax in our tasks. Indeed, it means quite the opposite. It opens us up to a clarity, energy and focus that otherwise escapes us as accessible resources.

​When we tune into the feelings that are creating or adding to our distress or discouragement, we can consciously decide to let them go. And then we can tap into our super power of Mind Control and think empowering and encouraging thoughts.

This will, fairly immediately, lead to better production levels and therefore better results. It makes sense.

When we get caught up in self pity or buy into a negative mindset, we decrease our ability to learn, work efficiently and effectively, and accomplish our best work.

​Dale Carnegie

​Author - How to ​Win Friends and Influence People

​Feeling sorry for yourself & your present condition is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.

On the other hand, if we adopt a positive mindset and stay determined to do the very best we can in each moment, we open ourselves to Divine Assistance and achieve what may have previously seemed impossible. 

Time expands when we are fully present and engaged in the here and now. This is where all Creation exists. It is really all there is!

So, with that idea shared, I am going to go spend some quality time with my Love and enjoy every moment.

I hope this concept is helpful to you as you navigate through each day, full of decisions and challenges and opportunities for us to Be the Love we are made of. Lay down your invisible work load. Only do what you must. And you will do it with Grace and Ease that is unsurpassed!

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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