Mary Anne Horsman
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Who Will You Be This Time Next Year?

If you want to get excited about progress, ask yourself these questions:

“Who will I be this time next year?” . . . “Who will I be five years from now?” . . .  “In ten (twenty, or fifty years) who will I have become?”

Having just celebrated a birthday, I’m reflecting on how much can happen in the course of a year.
Or how little.

It’s your call.Who Will You Be This Time Next Year?

Don’t just make a wish.

Decide to plan 365 days of awesomeness and execute those plans to the best of your ability.

Just making plans is a great start to moving forward towards your ideal version of life and your best self.

You’ll need determination and adaptability to follow through on your plans. Perseverance and flexibility are key.

When you’re diving in to the planning process, it makes sense to think about what kind of person you’d like to be. This will help you discover what sort of activities and projects you want to schedule time for in the days ahead.

What Determines Who You’ll Be This Time Next Year?

Really, how you feel and think in each moment invites more of the same into your future. If you want to be happy in the future, breathe deeply and be happy now, no matter what’s going on.

Another important factor in determining who you will become is spending some time thinking about who you want to become. This one activity can make a huge difference in your current mindset.

As soon as you have a positive vision of your future self, you can begin to embody that identity in the present immediately! Cool, huh?

Having well laid plans will help you take purposeful action and focus your energy on your desired ends.

There are some other factors that will also affect your personal development tremendously.

The books you read will have a real impact on what you learn and how you grow as a person. Make plans to read at least one educational book each month in the coming year. More if possible. Check out Dr. Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill, and, of course, Mary Anne Horsman. (My books are short, so they’re a great way to start getting your reading muscle in shape!)

Of course, there is also plenty of wonderful personal development audio and video available as well. Commit to at least 15 minutes a day of positive input and you’ll feel a difference before long!

The other “biggie” in personal growth is who you spend your time with. You naturally take on characteristics of people that you hang out with on a regular basis.

If you want to be more successful (i.e. – happy, healthy and wealthy), you’ve got to get around people that are already enjoying these results or are moving forward towards their full potential.

You’ll have to make a conscious effort to spend less time with people who drag you down or hold you back.

And you’ll want to seek out new friends and acquaintances who share your values and goals.

Vary your routine to include being where successful people are likely to be. (e.g. – the gym, yoga studio, country club)
This will automatically get you out of your comfort zone and expand your possibilities.

Just recently, I thought to myself, “Pretend that Tony Robbins is with you right now.”

It was a really amazingly powerful thought. I stood up taller. I smiled. I felt energized.

And that was just imagining that I was with someone who has achieved greatness through service to many!

How to Love Your Future Self

Start right now. Love yourself.

Acknowledge that you’ve got everything you need to succeed within you at this very moment.

And recognize that you have unlimited potential. You can be whoever you want to be. You can do anything you want to do. You can have everything you want to have.

You’ve got Love working with you to make it all possible.

Dedicate yourself to bringing your special gifts to the world and you’ll live an extraordinary life!

Ready to get started? Sign up below to get my free video series on Love Mapping. It will help you discover exactly where you want to be this time next year and how to get there as quickly and easily as possible!

About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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