Mary Anne Horsman
Share the Love!

An Open Love Note to Robin Williams

Dear Robin~

I Love you.

Even though we never met in person, like millions of others, I feel like I knew you through your incredible work. (You also happened to look like my own beloved father, which makes me feel that much more affection for you.)

I’m so sad that you left us for the Great Beyond. I’m even more sad that you suffered so much in your human experience.

Honestly, I didn’t know you’d been having such a tough time of it. I don’t keep up with popular culture very well!

I wish I could’ve helped relieve you of your troubles. Now it’s too late.

Your passing is reminding me: “Don’t wait. Today’s the day to reach out. Love each other now.”

That’s why I’m sharing this. I want everyone who is reading this to know that I Love them.

If you are suffering, reach out. Get help. Find solutions.

Try taking gluten out of your diet. Personally, I used to struggle with depression. Now that I’m gluten free, I feel like a whole new woman.

Robin, you brought so much joy to the world. You were more than just a funny guy. You captivated us with your presence in every moment.

We Love you, Robin Williams.


The tears shed because of your physical loss will be countless.

But I know that energy cannot be destroyed. You are still with us. I swear you came by to be with me for just a moment the other evening after I heard the news.

You live on in our hearts and our minds. You live on through your work.

Something tells me there will be a lot of Robin Williams viewing marathons going on!

Because you were such an intense character, your Spirit is strong. I can see you vividly in my mind.

I believe you are free of your human suffering now. For that, I am thankful.

Thank you for all the good times. Thank you for bringing the magic of laughter to the hearts of so many. Thank you for living fully while you were here on Earth.

I miss you. I’ll always Love you.

Your truly,

Mary Anne

P.S. ~ Much Love to your family and friends, who must miss you far beyond what words can describe. May they find comfort in the Love that lives on after this life is over.




About the Author Mary Anne Horsman

Love Teacher. Writer. Musician. Green American Mama.

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  • Hannah says:

    this really helped me to cope with something i’ve been struggling with so much ever since i heard the news he passed. thank you, Mary.

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